SF – Splint dryer

Removes trim waste and larger veneer pieces from the splint chopping operation. The machine is placed directly after the splint chopping machine. Features Rigid design High capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
GFP – Trim waste sorting machine

Removes trim waste and larger veneer pieces from the splint chopping operation. The machine is placed directly after the splint chopping machine. Features Rigid design High capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
GFM3 – Splint cleaning machine

The GFM3 cleans the splints from short and broken pieces and other waste. The splints pass over perforated plates in three levels. The design makes it very easy to change the size parts. Features Rigid design High capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
FZD5 – Splint polishing machine

The splint is fed into the machine where it is polished in the rotating octagonal drum. The polishing is necessary to achive a high and even quality of the matches as well as a high efficiency in the dipping and filling machines. The FZD5 also enclose a dust extraction system. Features Rigid design High capacity […]
FOD2 – Splint levelling machine

The FOD2 is designed to be integrated with the continuous dipping machine. The machine straighten and level the splints for optimal performance of the splint insertion mechanism of the continuous dipping machine. Features Rigid design High capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
FIV2 – Splint sieving machine

The FIV2 sorts out splint which do not have the correct dimensions (too wide) and also veneer pieces to prevent them from disturbing the splint insertion mechanism in the continuous line. Consists of a continuous chain of plastic sieves, which are shaken. The sieves are automatically cleaned from splint waste. Features Automatic operation Self cleaning
EFK5 – Splint buffer machine

Splint buffer conveyor to be placed between the trim waste sorting machine GFP and the splint spray impregnation machine type DYS2. The flow of splints (buffer time) can be adjusted. Features Rigid design Hight capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
DYS2 – Splint spray impregnation machine

Spray impregnation of the match splints. The splint passes through a rotating drum, where it absorbs a sprayed-on solution of water/mono ammonium phosphate. Features Rigid design Hight capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
DAS – Splint chopping machine

High capacity splint chopping machine. The knife cuts the veneer to the right dimension and length at the same time. The DAS can be delivered with continuous or intermittent feeding of the veneer. Features Rigid design Hight capacity Automatic operation (low labour)
DAL – Splint chopping machine

High capacity splint chopping machine. The knife cuts the veneer to the right dimension and length at the same time. The DAL Splint Chopping machine can be delivered with continuous or intermittent feeding of the veneer. Features Rigid design Hight capacity Automatic operation (low labour)